Why Meadowmedia?

Our insider relationships and years of experience give you access to thousands of campaigns, submitted by our exclusive Partners. Are you looking for next-level results? Join our team and reap the benefits of our expertise.

  • Verticals

    10 main offer categories to choose from

  • Locations

    Support for nearly every GEO Worldwide

  • SmartLinks

    Exclusive solutions for global traffic

  • Targeting

    50:50 ratio between Desktop and Mobile traffic

  • Support

    Personalized customer service available 24/7 to nurture your potential


A network developed by advertisers to work for advertisers - get the traffic you need to scale your business from our selected and proven affiliates. Our Fraud Protection is more secure than the Pentagon, protecting you from fraudulent IPs, cloakers and proxies.


We know how important cash-flow is to your business, that’s why we pay out weekly, without hold-periods or holidays. We constantly negotiate on your behalf to ensure the best rates, with exclusive and direct offers reserved just for you.
SIGN UP AS Affiliate

The Meadowmedia Advantage

With over 2000+ offers, chances are your dad clicked on our dating campaigns, and your mom bought our skincare products already.

  • DATING: Our unique advertiser relationships mean we’re able to provide the newest dating offers, exclusive campaigns and custom landing pages.
  • SWEEPSTAKES: High-yielding offers and a huge variety of trending campaigns.
  • MOBILE BILLING: 1-click, 2-click, pin submit and MO flows.
  • HEALTH & BEAUTY: Exclusive and direct Skin, Weight Loss, ED, Teeth, Muscle, and Brain offers.

Dedicated Affiliate Manager

Your dedicated AM will hand-select the offers that are best for you, then continuously monitor their performance and make adjustments as needed.
Your AM is there for you 24/7, with the freshest links and tips on campaign optimization.

Weekly Payments

It goes without saying: we always provide the highest possible payout no matter the offer, and we pay you weekly, with no delays or hold periods, no holidays, and no days off.

Let"s Talk

Ready to scale up? We’re here to help.


[email protected]